Sunday, May 27, 2012

Educating Someone Confused about the true meaning about ERA is a craigslist posting for the ERA and I had an email response as follows:

Are you talking about same-sex marriage?
Because the ERA is long gone and it was about women. It existed in the 1970's.

My Response is as follows:

No I am not talking about same sex marriage. The ERA is not long gone, it was just never passed because, even though it had seven years it did not meet the qualifications. Mainly because women were getting treated better so it seemed not as big of an issue, but women still do not have constitutional equality. It only needs to be ratified in three more states in order to be passed. 

Although you are right that in the 1970's there was much talk about it, protesting etc. However, there are other reasons that it was not passed and we are working on getting it passed. There are many people that are working on the political side, but not many working on raising awareness and people need to know that it is still an issue and the ERA needs to be passed.

By the way thank you for responding to the ad and I hope that you join our group and help support us.  ~~Ryan

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