Sunday, October 7, 2012

Abortion legal contraception accessible still no equal rights

 Right now, economic equality and equal opportunity are critical issues facing entire families who depend upon women to provide for daily needs of survival and education which plays a significant part in providing future needs for future families. Passing fair pay laws is a necessity, but these laws only treat the problem. They do not cure the disease, which is inequality.  Only by ratifying the Equal Rights Amendment can a real solution be provided. That is the foundation upon which any lasting solution can be based. Men and women who love liberty and equality should mobilize in support of ratifying ERA.

And regardless of one’s perspective on birth control and abortion, it is a fact that birth control is already easily and affordably available. And abortion has been legal for almost 30 years. It is time to stop clamoring for what has already been obtained and to focus on that which has not been obtained—constitutional protection and equality for women via the Equal Rights more here .

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